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What is high frame rate camera? Why important and How to choose?

Sep 02, 2024

The continued growth of embedded vision has increased the need for high frame rate camera. While common camera frame rates of 30 to 60 FPS are sufficient for most embedded vision applications, it is not excluded that individual applications will require high frame rates in excess of 400 FPS.

In order to clearly capture fast moving objects, we need to use high frame rate cameras. In this article, we will look at the features and basics of high frame rate cameras.

What exactly is a high frame rate camera?

High frame rate cameras utilize more advanced sensors and are capable of capturing images or videos of fast moving objects at hundreds or even thousands of frames in a short period of time compared to normal cameras. At the same time, we need to strike a balance between image resolution and frame rate. Higher resolution provides more detailed images but may reduce the frame rate; on the contrary, high frame rate captures smoother movements but may sacrifice some image details.

So what is a high frame rate for a camera? There is no standard definition for this. Different applications have different definitions of high frame rate. In embedded vision, if you use 4K and higher resolutions, even 30FPS can be defined as a high frame rate. Similarly, in Full HD, 60 to 120 FPS can be defined as a high frame rate.


How does a high frame rate camera work?

At the heart of how a high frame rate camera works is its ability to capture images at a much faster rate than a normal camera's 30 FPS or so. This ability is important in scenes where fast moving objects need to be captured. The general workflow is as follows:

  • image capture: high frame rate cameras use advanced imaging sensors with extremely fast readout speeds to capture large amounts of image data in a short period of time.
  • Image Processing: Captured image data is processed quickly and with reduced latency through sophisticated image processing algorithms.
  • Microprocessor: Powerful microprocessors support these cameras to operate at high frame rates while processing large amounts of image data.
  • Reduced Resolution: In order to achieve high frame rates, these cameras often reduce the image resolution while increasing the frame rate, thus balancing the relationship between image quality and frame rate.

Why are high frame rate cameras so important?

Experienced people should know that using a low frame rate camera to capture high-speed moving objects can make the image appear blurry or distorted. Therefore, it is extremely important to use high frame rate cameras to capture fast moving objects in embedded vision applications where image accuracy is critical. This reduces the discrepancy between the image and reality. For example, for inspection-based applications, a high frame rate camera can immediately recognize misalignments, defects, and other problems with an object, and then respond quickly to resolve them, maintaining consistent quality in production.

The higher the frame rate, the more images are captured per second, so there is less potential for blurring. The right exposure time is one of the factors in achieving a high frame rate; the longer the exposure, the blurrier the image may be.

What do I need to keep in mind when choosing a high frame rate camera?

When we choose a high frame rate camera, we need to consider various aspects such as resolution, frame rate, sensitivity and dynamic range, and connectivity.

Resolution: affects image detail. High resolution may be at the expense of frame rate. You need to balance resolution and frame rate according to your needs to ensure detail and capture speed at the same time.

Frame rate: determines the number of images captured per second. You need to choose the right frame rate based on the speed at which the object is moving and the level of detail required.

Sensitivity and Dynamic Range: Sensitivity and dynamic range are measures of the camera's ability to capture images under different lighting conditions. High sensitivity cameras are able to capture clearer images in low light conditions. High dynamic range cameras are better able to handle high contrast scenes

Connectivity: High frame rate cameras typically produce large amounts of data. Efficient connectivity ensures fast and stable data transfer. Common data transfer protocols include GigE Vision, USB3 Vision and MIPI.

What areas require the use of high frame rate cameras?

Sports Analytics: In the sports field, high frame rate cameras can capture every movement of an athlete for detailed analysis. This not only helps the athletes to train, but also helps the referees to make reasonable decisions about the athletes' behavior.

Industrial Automation: In industrial automation, high frame rate cameras are used for precise object positioning, measurement and defect detection. By capturing fast-moving objects on the production line, they locate and dispose of nonconforming products to ensure product quality and productivity.

Machine Vision: For machine vision that requires real-time feedback, image accuracy is important. High frame rate cameras can provide fast and accurate image data to help robots perform better and operate accurately.

If you are still struggling to find the right high frame rate camera module, try to seek help from Sinoseen, which has been deeply engaged in the camera module industry for many years, and has a wealth of experience as well as professional engineers, which is believed to be able to provide you with the most satisfactory high frame rate camera module solutions.

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